24 April 2006
Comment Powers Activate

Form of a Blogosphere! Shape of a Rubicon!

Gleek, the space monkey, learns a valuable lesson in power activation. His expression is not unlike the modern blogger's who, upon realizing they had not activated open commenting, feels compelled to share their bewonderment with the world. I think Gleek speaks for all of us when he's says, "Ook eek eek aah aah!". The upshot of this monkey speak: You are now free to issue rants, citations, diatribes, dialogs, writs, fugues, bomblastings, ex·pati·ation and a variety of other assorted word-packs in my generally unsuspecting direction.

October 2003 / August 2005 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / October 2007 / December 2007 /

My Thinking Place

On Economics "You don't want your job. The proper function of a job is to seek it's own irrelevancy."

On Religion "They're all the same."

On Art "Art for Fuck's sake."

On the dot "A small idea."

I Want My $2
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Location: United States

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